
First Steps to Jazz Improvisation

If You Can Play Major Scales You Can Improvise!

First Steps to Jazz Improvisation Cover



First Steps to Jazz Improvisation can jump-start your journey into jazz by using the basics that all students and musicians already know - major scales. It is a method that can be understood easily by any student of music who has a desire to learn improvisation at any age.

By decoding the chord symbols of any song, the student, or musician, can create a comprehensive solo that he/she can be proud of.

First Steps to Jazz Improvisation breaks down the most commonly used musical harmonies into “three rules” using only major scales.  With a step by step approach you will learn about chords, scales and how they relate.  Easy exercises and play along music reinforce the ideas in this book and guide you into a cohesive solo.Bass Clef

Spiral bound the book easily lays flat on music stand. Free play-alongmusic and audio examples are available online or can be downloaded toany device. Tracks are available for instuments in C (and bass clef), BbEb. Scanable bar code (as well as URL) takes you right to the webpage with all available tracks.


Also Available for All Bass Clef Instruments


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